Let's Learn About The 3 Indonesian National Flowers

Indonesia has 3 flowers which designated as the national flowers. The three flowers are White Jasmine (Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton) as "flower of nation", Moon Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume) as "flower of charm", and Giant Lotus (Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br.) as "flower of rareness".

National flower is a flower that considered as an image of a nation or country characteristic. National flower is also can be a symbol of prouds from a country. Almost every countries has its own national flower, like Sakura which is a national flower of Japan, Tulips (Netherland and Turkey), Lotus (India), Rose (USA and UK), Hibiscus (Malaysia), etc.

The 3 Indonesian national flowers

Indonesian national flowers are declared based on Presidential Decree number 4, year 1993 about national animals and flowers.

Now here it is the 3 of Indonesian national flowers with the description and reason behind the choosen of them as the Indonesian national flowers.

Flower of nation, White Jasmine Flower

White Jasmine Flower Jasminum Sambac

The first national flower of Indonesia which it also often called as "the flower of nation" is White Jasmine. The flower which also called as Water Jasmine has scientific name of Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton.

White Jasmine is the origin flower from South Asia and then spreading to all over the world, including Indonesia. This shrubs plant in the Oleaceae family is very well known on whole of the country and often used in many tradition rituals.

The simple, not flashy white flowers symbolize chastity and the simple of mind beauty but still charming. The soft good smell is giving the sense of softness, relaxing, and calming. Because of that, White Jasmine are considered could describe the Indonesian people who simple, filled with chastity, but still has beauty of the minds.

Flower of charm, Moon Orchid Flower

Moon Orchid Flower Phalaenopsis

The second national flower of Indonesia which also called as the "flower of charm" is Moon Orchid. The scientific name of this flower is Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume.

Moon Orchid is one of a kind from Orchid flowers plant (famili Orchidaceae) that are native flower of Indonesia. Spread from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua, to Australia. This epiphytes plants (sticking to tree trunks or branches) has beautiful long rounded flowers. The beauty of charm from this orchid species flower is what that could made it choosen as one of Indonesian national flowers.

Flower of rareness, Giant Lotus Flower

Giant Lotus Flower Rafflesia Arnoldii

The third national flower which also called as the "flower of rareness" is Giant Lotus Flower. The flower which many Indonesian people call it raflesia has scientific name of Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br.

This flower is unique because it has no trunks, branches, either leaves so it looks just a blooming flower. Lives as obligate parasites that grow inside liana trunks. When blooming, this flower can reach 70-110 cm in diametres with 50 cm in talls and 11 kg of weight. The time needed to reach adult form of this flower could take up to 9 months, but the blooming time of the flower is just only 5 - 7 days. Then this Raflesia or Giant Lotus will wilt and die.

Giant Lotus is a unisexual flower, so the separated existence of its pistil and stamen made the conception is harder. Moreover, untill now this flower is never succeed to growthed outside its own original habitats.

Because of its lots of uniqueness, maybe that's why the Giant Lotus or Raflesia flower designated as the "flower of rareness" and become the proud as one of national flower of Indonesia.

Data and source: www.alamendah.org

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