10 Endangered Indonesian Domestic Animals Species

Fauna or Animals is one of Indonesia country richness. Indonesia is a country placed on the earth equator, a tropical regions. And one thing about a tropical regions: Its rich of animals and plants species.

But unfortunately, the progress of technology, human populations, and living needs, the human need more resource from the nature. It is wood, water, land, and it must evict the "original inhabitants", the animals.

Now here they are the 10 Indonesian animals that are on endangered status:
  1. Pesut Mahakam
  2. Gajah Sumatera
  3. Kangguru Pohon Wondiwoi
  4. Macan Tutul Jawa
  5. Jalak Bali
  6. Anoa
  7. Monyet Hitam Sulawesi
  8. Orangutan
  9. Badak
  10. Harimau Sumatera

The endangered Indonesian endemic animals

Many of Indonesian endemic animals species that are on endangered status. Some of them even already extinct from long time ago. The endangered Indonesian domestic animals also come from many kind, like fish, bird, to mammals.

The main culprit why the Indonesian domestic animals are on endangered status now is because the illegal logging, illegal hunting, and the turned of the jungle and forest into profit purposes land by some greedy humans.

Pesut Mahakam (Mahakam Dolphins)

Mahakam Dolphin

On the first we have a fish or more accurately a water mammals, Pesut Mahakam or if translated then will it will be Mahakam Dolphins. Mahakam is a name for the longest river in Kalimantan (Borneo) island.

Maybe Mahakam Dolphins is one of most endangered water animals in the world. Although it is a water mammals, but it has habitats in the Mahakam river which is a freshwater. It is recorded that their number of populations are estimated just around 70 populations in the Mahakam river. It's too bad.

Gajah Sumatera (Sumateran elephants)

Sumateran Elephant

On the old days, the elephants species which inhabitants in the Sumatra island is normal and safe. But their population is reduced little by little every years because the illegal hunting. Other than that, the Sumatran elephants also losed their habitats in the deep of jungle because the jungle and the trees now is being thicker and thicker as the wood needs is growing massively every years. And the main caused, becaused the jungle now is turned into gardens to get profit from it.

Kangguru Pohon Wondiwoi (Wondiwoi tree Kangaroo)

Wondiwoi tree Kangaroo

Wondiwoi tree kangaroo is an endemic animal and inhabitants of Papua island. The number of their populations now is very small and are in the verge of extinction. By the data of IUCN red list, the number of this marsupials animals is just around 50 populations.

Macan Tutul Jawa (Java Leopard)

Java Leopard

Java Leopard is an animal where they can be found only on a tropical jungle, mountains, and conservation area in Java island like Gunung Gede Pangrango National Garden. Because of the illegal hunting, the Java leopard species population is finally gone. This "spotted tiger" has been declared on the endangered status since 2007 year.

Jalak Bali (Bali Starling)

Bali Starling

Like its name, this rare species bird is live on Bali island, more accurately on the west part of Bali island. Bali Starling is classified to the chirping birds. It has medium size, around 25 centimetres in tall.

By its beauty form, the wild hunting and selling to kept as pets is predicted as the main culprit behind its reducing number of populations. Because their populations now is just about 100 more left, this bird now is protected at Nusa Penida conservation center and West Bali National Garden.



Anoa is an animals inhabitants of Sulawesi island and looks like a goat in appearance. Two things which difference it from a goat is it has bigger in size and sharper in its horn. The unique horns on Anoa head can reach up to 30 centimetres in long.

Monyet Hitam Sulawesi (Sulawesi black Monkey)

Sulawesi Black Monkey

This monkey also often called "Yaki" or "Wolai Monkey" and has unique appearance on every first sight. The body is covered with shining black hair, with pink pony and butt. Sulawesi black Monkey is also has bigger size than ordinary monkey. Unfortunately, this unique monkeys is also on endangered status.



For this rare animal, I think you had seen one before. I am also had seen a couples of times where the USA or hollywood-made films featured Orangutan in the scenes. Orangutan is also one of most smart animal in the world.

There are two habitats for Orangutan, in Sumatera island and Borneo island. By its size, Sumateran Orangutan is smaller than Kalimantan (Borneo) Orangutan. By its population number, Kalimantan Orangutan is have more population compared to Orangutan lived in Sumatera.

Badak (Rhinoceros)


There are two different species of Indonesian endemic Rhinoceros, it is Sumateran Rhinoceros which has habitats in Sumatera island and Java Rhinoceros which has habitats in Java island. What differencing them is Sumatera Rhinoceros are two-horned, while Java Rhinoceros are one-horned. What make the same between them, is that the two of them is on endangered.

Data show that the two-horned Rhinoceros are just about 300 left on populations. And the one-horned Rhinoceros is more tragic because it just left around less than 100 on populations. And because of it, there are now a special conservation in at Ujung Kulon (Western part) of Java island to protect the one-horned Rhinoceros populations.

Harimau Sumatera (Sumateran Tiger)

Harimau Sumatera

Indonesia has two species of endemic tigers, that is the Bali Tiger which live in Bali island and has been stated already extinct on 1937 year, and Sumateran tiger which live in Sumatera island and still trying to survive its population untill now but with very small number. Sumatera inhabitants Tiger is estimated just around 500 left on number now.

There are still many other dozens of Indonesian endemic animals species which not mentioned above that also on endangered status or even already extinct. So ironic that the economic and modern era needs must sacrifice the richness of floras and faunas of this beautiful country.

Data and source: www.sejujurnya.com

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