5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia

5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia will be inform in this article. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Indonesia that will help you feel more adventurous. One way is to follow the abundance of the ocean or submerged world in Indonesian waters. Its an obvious fact that Indonesia is much of the time an objective for plunging or jumping for some travelers from everywhere the world. Here are 5 top diving destinations in Indonesia.

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation encircled by the ocean so it has many plunging spots with different wonders. Dive Magazine announced that Indonesia had been named the Best Scuba Diving Destination for 2021.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has compiled 5 top diving destinations in Indonesia :

1. Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi

5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia
Dive In Wakatobi Southeast Sulawesi

The primary plunging objective is in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. This region is known as the biggest boundary reef region in Indonesia. The coral's beauty ranks second only to Australia's (Greet Barrier Reef). There are around 942 types of fish and 750 types of coral reefs that are under the ocean in Wakatobi and should be visible very close. Aside from that, Wakatobi is likewise a living space for turtles, dolphins and whales.

2. Raja Ampat, Papua

5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia
Dive In Raja Ampat, Papua

In fact, Raja Ampat is one of the archipelago's most popular tourist destinations. A region comprising of in excess of 600 islands, Raja Ampat isn't just renowned for its lovely scenes, yet additionally as the best jumping point in Indonesia which is known around the world.

In point of fact, Raja Ampat's four largest islands, Misool Island, Salawati Island, Batanta Island, and Waigeo Island—have been designated as the locations with the greatest amount of marine life diversity. It isn't is business as usual that this region, which is home to 75% of the world's coral reef species, offers staggering submerged normal excellence for jumpers.

3. Tulamben Beach, Bali

5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia
Dive In Tulamben Bali

Tulamben Beach, Bali, is the next best place to dive. This ocean side is the objective of plunging for homegrown and unfamiliar travelers. On Tulamben Beach, the marine life is extremely well-preserved. Coral reefs and vibrant fish are visible. On this beach, you can even see the USS Liberty's sinking wreck.

4. Weh Ocean side, Aceh

Batee Tokong in Pulau Weh, Aceh, is the next place to dive. The location is good for diving because it has a lot of sea creatures that you won't find anywhere else. Diverse species of sharks have preserved habitats. Aside from that there are other jumping spots, for example, Pantee Peunateung which has heaps of ocean creatures and delightful coral reefs.

5. Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan

5 Top Diving Destinations in Indonesia
Dive In Derawan Island

Jellyfish swim in Lake Kakaban, Derawan Islands, Berau, East Kalimantan, Walk 12 2015. This lake's hundreds of jellyfish are one of a kind because none of them can sting.

The Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan come next. Starting with its stretch of white sand, crystal-clear water, and stunning underwater charm, this island is stunning. Kakaban Island is one of these islands' diving spots. Curiously, while jumping on this island, you can swim with jellyfish unafraid of being stung by them.e :

You Must Explore :

There are 5 top diving destinations in Indonesia. Do you interested to visit there. if you want to search more about it, you can search on Bing or Google

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