Biography of Bung Tomo an important figure behind the November 10th Day of Heroes

The Battle of Surabaya became an event that marked the establishment of November 10 as Heroes' Day. Thanks to the sacrifice of the fighters, Indonesia was able to survive the invaders. One of the key figures behind the Battle of November 10 is Bung Tomo.

Soetomo, or better known as Bung Tomo, was a charismatic orator and leader who played a key role in raising the spirit and courage of the people of Surabaya to fight the British forces trying to regain control of post-Indonesia Declaration of Independence.

Biography of Bung Tomo an important figure behind the November 10th Day of Heroes
Bung Tomo

Bung Tomo's speeches could have influenced the freedom fighters, even though in fact they only possessed simple weapons of bamboo, while the British army was armed with long-range rifles.

Bung Tomo's childhood Biography

Based on the book entitled Bung Tomo written by Abdul Waid, Soetomo was born in Surabaya, East Java on October 3, 1920. He is the son of Tjiptowidjojo and Subastita.

Despite growing up in the middle of a still-colonial environment, Bung Tomo grew up to be a revolutionary and consistent figure. It's also an important capital he's going to use to fight the invaders.

Bung Tomo studied at Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO), where he studied various subjects such as mathematics, social sciences, history, as well as German to French. However, when he was 12 years old, Bung Tomo had to suspend MULO due to the global economic crisis.

Growing up in a family that gave priority to education, he eventually continued his education at the Hoogere Burgerschool. (HBS). During his schooling there, his attitude became critical and realized that the Dutch colonization did not only happen physically, but also through a discriminatory education system.

Bung Tomo Was Speaking Speaker or Orator

As described earlier, Bung Tomo's oratory abilities became one of the drivers of the spirit and courage of Indonesian freedom fighters.

Biography of Bung Tomo an important figure behind the November 10th Day of Heroes
Bung Tomo was an orator


At the time of the speech, there were some signs or styles that Bung Tomo always showed, among others as follows.

  •       A loud and clear voice with words spoken with a glowing intonation
  • A hand that always points upwards as a sign that he emphasizes the content of his speech
  •  A look that always looks at the people who listen so they can feel touched by Bung Tomo's speech.
  •  Delivering an oration in a standing position because he feels imperfect when speaking while sitting
  •         The words that Bung Tomo said were never slipped.

On November 10, 1945, Bung Tomo performed an oracle in front of thousands of young people in Fort Square, Surabaya. He called on the Indonesian people not to shy away from the British army and to make resistance.

Another Articles That Interesting To Read

The people who were at the place were thrilled and excited when Bung Tomo shouted the word 'freedom'. Here are some of the words of Bung Tomo's speech during the speech of November 10, 1945: We are a great nation, submit to the company, defeat the British army. We must preserve the honour of the Indonesian people. Show the British army that we Indonesians really want independence. Disengage or die.

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