10 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Indonesia

Indonesia is an amazing gorgeus country and has so many beautiful tourism places. From all of thousand places, which one is the best of the best? On this post, What's Indonesia will talk about the most beautifull tourism places in Indonesia that you must check on your holiday.

I think places showed below is about the beauty of nature. Without any longer, this is the 10 Most Beautiful Places for Tourism in Indonesia.

  1. Taman Laut Bunaken (Bunaken Sea Garden)

    If you are looking for beauty of beach and like to enjoying the underwater world beauty, Bunaken National Parks is the place you must visit. Located in North Sulawesi Province, Bunaken has 20 diving spot for you to enjoy. Do not wonder, when dive into the places you will find many beautifull coral reefs with different colors that will amaze you.

    bunaken sea garden

    It is not too much to call Bunaken as the most beautiful tourism place in Indonesia and even in the world. This place has its own exotism with the will nature and also as a tourism locations that can make you want to stay as longer and longer. All is served into a beatifull package that can make me proud to be born as an Indonesian.
  2. Pulau Komodo (Comodo Island)

    Exotic and wild, that is the first impression we will get in our head if we hear "Komodo Island". The tourism place located in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province is definitely promising many things to explored, especially the beauty of nature, beach, and mountains that very gorgeus. For the prove of the beauty, this place even had been nominated as one of 7 Wonder of Nature award from UNESCO.

    comodo island

    Komodo Island itself is an area for the conservation of Comodo, the only survived pre-historic animal that remind us to dragon kind. So do not ever wondering when you come to visit this place on your vacation, you will see many comodos roaming around.
  3. Kepulauan Raja Ampat (Raja Ampat Islands)

    The tourism place located in West Papua that recently get boosted on its popularity. There is so many things you can enjoy on this touris place, starting from mountains, beach, the sea, to the untouched jungle. If you want to feel the true of village life and enjoying the foods made by the local people, you can also do that.

    raja ampat

    Although the beauty is do not need to asked anymore, it is pretty cost your pocket to get a vacation to Raja Ampat. The airplane ticket and transportation to bring you there is pretty expensive compared to another tourism places mentioned here. But, I am also pretty sure that you will not regret to come to this place, one of the most beautiful tourism place in Indonesia.
  4. Goa Gong (Gong Cave)

    There is just a little of local and foreign tourist who know the beauty of the Cave located in Middle Java. We can say, the Gong Cave is not impress us so much from the out looks, it even looks gloomy. But, if you get in there, get ready to impress the nice and beautifull from various stalagtyt and stalagmyt that grouped beautifully like the formation of crystals.

    goa gong

    Gong Cave can be a challenging tourism place for photographer. It is not easy to take a picture in a shady place like that, it also need a special skill to capture the stalagtyt and stalagmyt to make it looks more beautifull.
  5. Bali

    Is there a human who doubt the beauty of Bali culture and beach? The funny thing, there are many tourist who know Bali very well, but did not know about Indonesia. Bom terror, tsunami, and even other disasters can not made the local and foreign tourists to stop visiting the island which also called "Pulau Dewata".

    bali beach

    Other than beach, Bali is also provide us with culture tourism and interesting nigthlife. What greater is, you can enjoy all of it in a beautiful beach filled with beautiful girls. The beauty of Bali even can make some biggest hollywood stars to choose Bali Island for their vacation and honeymoon destination.
  6. Ujung Kulon National Parks

    This place is so interesting, especially for photographers who like to capture the beauty of wild nature through the camera lens. Indeed, Ujung Kulon is know well as the preserve and conservation area for the one-horned rhinoceros, one of Indonesian domestic animal. If you are lucky enough, you can capture the one-horned rhinoceros in the wild.

    ujung kulon
    The domestic animal proud of java island, the one-horned rhinoceros.

    Ujung Kulon is not just about animal reserve and conservation and the one-horned rhinoceros. You can find beautiful and interesting places on this location, like waterfall and hot spring. A perfect place to start the journey of nature.
  7. Way Kambas

    Just like Ujung Kulon, Way Kambas is a tourism parks that contains nature and wildlife reserve for Indonesian domestic animals. Way Kambas is located in Lampung, one of the outer province in Sumatera island. This place may be called as paradise for the adventurer and the right choice for "hunting" place for photographers.

    way kambas

    So maybe Way Kambas is deserve for the nickname of "The Africa Region in Indonesia". This tourism park is a home for hundreds animal species, start from Lampung elephant, Sumateran tiger, rhinoceros, to the exotic birds. What more amazing, all of them is let to free life and roaming freely in Way Kambas.
  8. Danau Kelimutu (Kelimutu Lake)

    Danau Kelimutu is may given title as the most spectacular tourism place in Indonesia. How cannot be, this huge lake has ability to produce three different beautiful and shining colors, which the reputation is already reached to the international tourism. At the time when Kelimutu Lake is gain its brightest color, at the same time also there are many tourist from domestic and foreign come to this place to capture the beauty.

    kelimutu lake

    The water on this lake can changes to many colors from greenstone color, then to dark black, then change again to brown, and even can change into dark blue. This "magical" phenomenon indeed had made Kelimutu Lake to become one of most favorite tourism object.
  9. Danau Toba (Toba Lake)

    As the biggest vulcanic lake in the world, Toba Lake is crowded with tourist from many regions. Located on North Sumatra Province, Toba Lake has greatness imagined from the beauty of the nature. In the middle of such a great lake, there is exist Samosir island in the middle. The island is also created by vulcanic activity million years ago.

    toba lake

    There is many folk tales connected with Toba lake, and all of the tales is always have conclusion to the created of that great lake. So, if you have been there, try to make some time to hear the tales and legends directly from the local people. It must be fun!
  10. Gunung Bromo (Bromo Mount)

    This one mountain is definitely have a gorgeus nature. Bromo Mountains is located on East Java and it is one of still active mountain in Indonesia. This phenomenon is must be an interesting challenge for mountain climbers to see the beauty of Bromo Mountain from close.

    bromo mount

    The beauty of Bromo Mount is definitely undoubtable. Other than has great view of nature and the fresh mountains air, the crater and caldera of Bromo Mount is also having its own attractiveness for tourist and photographer who want to capture the beauty. One more thing, Bromo Mount is relatively easier and cheaper to reached compared to other tourism place on this post.