10 Most Delicious Indonesian Foods You Should Try

Indonesia is one of country in the world that become culinary paradise. It is not wonder, because Indonesia land is so fertile so it made many plants live in Indonesia. Many of the plants can be used as cooking ingredients so it make Indonesian food is so rich of seasoning.

So if you plan to come visit Indonesia, do not forget about one thing: Hunt for the foods. There are thousand of Indonesian foods you may not found on another countries. To give you suggestion, now I will tell you 10 Most Delicious and Tasty Foods from Indonesia. Check it out!

The most delicious tastes Indonesian foods

  1. Indomie (Indonesian instant noodle)


    "Indomie" is actually a label of Indonesian most favourite instant noodles. The label has been well known in many countries, most of Asia region and maybe it sold on another regions too. It is said, Indomie has been titled as the most delicious instant noodle.

    The tasty of Indomie is present on its seasoning that rich tasted, and it also completed by fried onion and its vegetable oil. Indomie can make us to taste a delicious food with cheap and easy by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
  2. Opor Ayam (Chicken braised in coconut milk)

    Opor ayam

    Opor ayam is very identic with Eid, the annual moeslems biggest religious celebration day. This food is common served with ketupat (rice cook with diamond shaped), lontong (rice cook with long shaped), and sambal goreng hati (fried paste with chicken liver).

    Opor is have unique taste because it cooked with coconut milk and turmeric which giving goldish color. The chicken cooked with opor seasoning is also gave unique taste, stronger to tasteful and soft. Opor Ayam is the most delicious if companied by shrimp crackers and unsweetened tea as the drinks.
  3. Rawon


    This food which come from East Java province is deserve given title as one of Indonesia legend culinary. On the first impression, You might think Rawon is just a blacked brownish soup contains small cut meat.

    But, the Rawon specialties seasoning made this food have very unique and strong taste that can pleasure your tongue with combination of sweet, sour, and salty; a combination of taste that can make you want to try it more and more.
  4. Gudeg


    The uniqueness of Gudeg made this food is the favourite culinary of local either foreign tourist who come to Jogja city. Gudeg is made from boiled young jackfruit for all night, mixed with coconut milk and secret seasoning. What is the secret seasoning? Only the cook who know it :D .
    The final result, you can enjoy the soft brownish young jackfruit.

    Gudeg is commonly eaten with boiled egg or chicken, which also has same seasoning. As companion, Gudeg is usually eaten with Kecrek Paste (a javanese traditional chilly paste) and eaten on a wood-made bowl.
  5. Pempek


    There is no man in Indonesia who do not know about this Palembang city specialties food. It is said, Pempek was made long ago by China immigrant who come to Indonesia and work as fishmonger and tapioca flour merchant. And the fact, the main ingredient of Pempek is indeed come from these two goods.

    Pempek become one of most hunted food in Indonesia because it can be eaten as snack or with the main food. Usually, Pempek is served with sour and sweet sauce that can boost your appetite.
  6. Nasi Goreng (fried rice)

    Nasi goreng

    Nasi Goreng or fried rice dishes actually is not a hard one to be found on other regions, because the food concept is almost same with fried rice from China which also pretty popular on international culinary. But, Indonesian Nasi Goreng is has own unique specialties that cannot be found on another country fried rice dishes.

    The most important on Indonesia Nasi Goreng that made it has its own delicious and uniqueness is the usage of soy sauce and all the additional complementary like chicken, fried onion, and crackers. So no wonder if you come to some elite five star hotel in Indonesia and you will found Nasi Goreng as one of the dishes.
  7. Soto


    We can say that Soto is "Indonesian soup". The dish concept is Soto is a bowl of little cut of chicken or meat, served in a sauce and some vegetables as complementary. In Indonesia itself, there are hundreds of Soto dishes based which the culture made it.

    Example some Soto dishes is Soto Madura, Soto Betawi, Soto Sukaraja, and other different Soto's dishes as different culture and city. Usually, Soto is perfect to served with crackers and an iced tea. Yummy!
  8. Bakso


    This one dish is the uniue one and may not be found on another countries. That's right, Bakso is a very delicious food that can make you want to eat it more than two dishes at a time. Usually, Bakso is made from a grinded meat then shaped like a ball, served with noodle, pangsit (one of Indonesian crackers contain onion as one of its ingredient), some green vegetables, and don't forget about the hot sauce and soy sauce.

    Want to try another variation of Bakso? You may can try also the Bakso balls made from chicken and fish.
  9. Sate


    If you come to an Indonesian restaurant in another countries, it almost sure that Sate is one of the highlighted dish on the menu. Actually Sate has a simple concept, small cut meat or chicken, seasoned, and burned.

    What made Sate is so tasty is the sauce used, commonly it made from soy sauce and mashed peanut. There are different kinds of Sate, Sate Ayam (using chicken), Sate Sapi (using meat), and Sate Kambing (using lamb) and all of them can be found easily on every cities in Indonesia.
  10. Rendang


    No wonder Rendang is said by food reviewer from many countries as the most delicious food in Indonesia, even in the world. This dish which made from meat as main ingredient can pleasure your tounge by its rich taste.

    The soft meat cooked for hours and seasoned by special Rendang seasoning can give rich, sweet and hot taste. This food is already delicious even if just eaten with a bowl of rice and a cup of unsweetened tea.

Thank you to www.top10indo.com for being trusted source and giving accurate information for 10 Most Delicious Indonesian Foods You Should Try.