Indonesian Bank Released 2016 New Edition Rupiah Money

JAKARTA – Today, Monday (December 19 2016), Indonesian Bank launch and officialy distibute the new edition of United Republic of Indonesia Country money, Rupiah.

This even is attended by the president Joko Widodo, some ministers, and family heirs from the 12 national heroes who their face captured in the money design.

Indonesian Bank governor Agus DW Martowardojo stated, the launch of 2016 edition Rupiah money event is so special. Because, the event day is exactly also coincide with the National Defend Day.

2016 edition new rupiah money launch event

Rupiah currency and national sovereignty for Indonesia

“Today event is held on December 19 2016 is coincide with the National Defend Day. We are witnesses the launch of 2016 edition new Rupiah money from 11 nominals, it is 7 Rupiah paper money and 4 Rupiah coin,” said Agus in Jakarta, on monday morning.

Agus also described, the 2016 edition new Rupiah money launch event also has its own meaning. According to him, this is the first time since we became independent to launch all money nominals simultaneously.

Agus stated, Rupiah money is symbol of national sovereignty, so it is a must to be respected and treasured. The laws of currency stated that Rupiah is a legitimate and must be used as medium of exchange in the United Republic of Indonesia Country.

New 2016 edition rupiah money face

“The old Rupiah paper and coin money is still legitimate as medium of exchange, as long as it still not revoked and withdrawn yet by Indonesian Bank,” describe Agus.

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