Aceh Struck by 6.3 Richter Scale Earthquake

Now come a bad news about a disaster tragedy that recently happened in Indonesia. Special region Aceh hit by a 6.3 Richter scale earthquake that struck this week. The damage is massive enough to destroy many buildings and produced many victims.

Aceh Struck by 6.3 Richter Scale Earthquake

Aceh Struck by 6.3 Richter Scale Earthquake

Reported by media, the are more than 100 people died at that natural disaster and thousand is injured, commonly it all caused because they are hit by the collapsed buldings.

Untill now, the government and the SAR's team helped by police, national army, and some volunteer still trying to evacuate all the victim. It is predicted thay maybe there are some victim body that still burried by the collapsed building and houses.

victim evacuation by sar team after aceh earthquake

The national geographic and meteorology organization as soon after the earthquake was hit, issued a statement to the civillian that this earthquake is not have potentiall to become a tsunami. It is to prevent people not panicked as maybe they are still had traumatic to the old earthquake and tsunami disaster that struck Aceh.

Aceh and earthquake disaster history

It is still fresh in our memory the huge earthquake followed by a massive tsunami wave struck Aceh on 2004 ago. Thousand hundreds of people died instantly on that horrible disaster. Not only in Aceh, but that disaster also hit other nations on Southeast Asia and even reached some Africa regions.

The geology expert tells, Aceh itself is inseparable from earthquake phenomenon. This is caused because Aceh is one of area inside the Ring of Fire of the world. Ring of Fire means area that have massive underground earth movement.

So actually earthquake may occur often in Aceh, but the scale is can be small or huge like now happened. The point is, how we can ready and prepared ourself when that worst possibility happen so we can reduce loss and victims. Technology is play a major role on this of course.

Well, all we can do now is pray for the victim so they can stay strong to face this and we pray all the dead victim is can be accepted in the highest of God Heaven. Ameen.