Kampung Sawah Nature School, a School That Do Not Want The Students to be a Walking Encyclopedia

DEPOK, WEST JAVA - Since 2009, Kampung Sawah nature school was built at Depok, West Java. The nature school is located at Farming Hill Housing, Tirtajaya, Depok.

Different with other common schools, Kampung Sawah nature school is make the students to study more on outdoor.

Because, in the opinion of the Kampung Sawah nature school director Yuli Pinasthi, nature is the most complete learning environment.

"Our class is not limited by some number of meters. So our class is the whole universe itself. Allah is already blessed us with the most beautifull, most complete laboratory that sometimes we do not think as far as that," said Yuli at Kampung Sawah nature school, Monday (December 11 2016).

kampung sawah nature school teaching situation
(Kampung Sawah Nature School teaching situation)

Yuli said, the learning method of Kampung Sawah nature school is to make the kids to think deeply and critically.

They are faced with the real time condition on the nature. And also, kids will find their true identity of themself by finding what they like much.

"The way is to study together with the nature. After trigger them to think deeply, it will result to born them to be a problem solver," said her.

Yuli give an example, when kids learn about water, they will taken directly to the source of water, like well and river. They will learn which one is good to make it as a water source.

"Example the water cleanesess. What it should to be if it is dirty. So it will trigger them to find solution to solve it," spoke Yuli.

The Kampung Sawah nature school, do not intend to give the student too much recitation, continue her spoke.

The school is make the student to make more interaction directly with the nature. The school do not want the students to be a walking encyclopedia.

"Why we choosed an antimainstream path, because basically the kids is not should be a walking encyclopedia. So why we must insert chemical formulas into their brain, so much recitation for them to know if there is Google that can be accessed everywhere," told her.

Kampung sawah Nature School teaching moments
(Kampung Sawah Nature School teaching moments)

Kampung Sawah Nature School history

At the beginning, the nature school was named Patrick Nature School. But, in the 2016, the nature school was changes the name to Kampung Sawah Nature School.

The Kampung Sawah itself is have meaning "Village of Rice Field" and taken from an area at Depok City as a form of local culture richnesess.

"Kampung Sawah is a name of a village at Depok city that now is start to forgotten by the people because now it is turned into a housing area now. So the Kampung Sawah name is already vanishing slowly," said Yuli.

Thank you to http://megapolitan.kompas.com for being trusted source and giving accurate information for this post.