5 Biggest Mysteries from Indonesia that Shocking The World

There is many mysteries and discovery in Indonesia which shocking the world. Indeed, Indonesia is a huge country and even the biggest islands-country in the world. There are still many unsolvable mysteries discovery from Indonesia.

mysteries in indonesia

There is a scripts / literature said that most of African residents are come from Indonesia's land, even there is one which said that Cianjur (one of city in West Java province) Temple is the oldest temple in the world. Those are some example of mysteries from Indonesia that is still unsolvable yet.

Here they are the 5 biggest mysteries come from Indonesia which shocking the world enough:
  1. The Indonesian Ghost Ship of "Ourang Medan"
  2. A Mysterious Stranded Block on Europe Oceans from Indonesia
  3. The Madagaskar Indonesian-Bloods Citizens
  4. The Oldest Pyramid in The World "Padang Hill" from Indonesia
  5. Indonesia is The Missing Atlantis Continent

These Indonesian mysteries was popular in International, starts from a ghost ship admitted as "ourang medan" (one of missing ship), a stranded scripts on the Europe oceans, and many more.

The Indonesia Ghost Ship of "Ourang Medan"

ourang medan ghost ship

A famous horror story in Indonesia is the ghost ship of Ourang Medan. The story was came up on 1947 year when the two American ships named City of Baltimore and Silver Star was sailing on Malaka strait, they then detected an emergency signals from a Holland trading ships admitted as "Ourang Medan". The ship was gave a signals to the closest ships which is City of Baltimore and Silver Star, the signals even was detected by the Hollands ship monitoring post on the Malaka strait.

The post operators then trace the signal's source and found that the signal also came from Malaka strait. They then sent the Silver Star ship to investigate because it was the closest ship to the Ourang medan signals, and after a searchs they finally found the Ourang Medan ship.

After the Silver Star ship's crew are approaching and explored the ship parts, the mystery began. All people are dead with terrific conditions and the corpses are found with bulging eyes without violences indication. Then after whole checked of the ship there are no lives found there. The Silver Star ship then tried to tow the ship to port so they can investigate furthermore, but before the ship was towed, suddenly the ship exploded itself and left its mystery unsolved untill now.

A mysterious Stranded Block on Europe Oceans from Indonesia

stranded mysterious block

The next Indonesian mystery is the stranded block which has square shaped found on Europe oceans and it was became a hot topic at that time. The block has “Tjipetir” text carved which became a crucial clue.

A researcher team leads by Tracey Williams who is a Newquay residents, Cornwall, England tried to investigate furthermore to find where is the stone came from. The investigation was finished with conclusion that the mysterious block / rock are came from Sukabumi city, West Java province, Indonesia.

gutta-percha production in indonesia
The gutta-percha production in Indonesia long time ago

After had researched it found that the mysterious stranded objects is not a rubber, but it is made from gutta-percha, where that kind of more solid material is usually used in telegram cable under the bottom of the sea. The stranded objects also was found on the oceans of Shetland, Channel Islands, Spain, France, Netherland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Supposedly the block objects was spoiled by the sank Japanese ship, Miyazaki Maru, a cargo ship indeed has task to brang the objects at the first world war era.

The Madagaskar Indonesian-Bloods Citizens

indonesian-bloods madagaskar citizens

The next Indonesian mystery that shocking the world is the Indonesian-bloods people in Madagaskar. Evidently, the Madagaskar island is an unexplored island for thousand of years and it only became the habitat of lemur since long time ago.

A researchs did by Murray Cox from Massey University New Zealand told if 28 of 30 Madagaskar's citizens are came from Indonesia breed. By the fact, it was became a very big topic at that time.

The research did by testing the DNA from the local residents there, and by the discovery of ancients object which has similarities with ancient Javanese culture at the era of Sriwijaya's kingdom was ruled. And the researchs of course was became one of shocking discovery in the world.

The Oldest Pyramid in The World "Padang Hill" from Indonesia

Not only shocked the world, but I think this also will shocks you, it is the mystery of "Padang Hill" in Indonesia is the oldest pyramid in the world humans had ever made. This mystery began by research on 1914 by a Holland historian, N.J Krom who did a research on a megalitic site at Cianjur hill, West Java province.

The scientist had written his research on a script titled "Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst" that the ancient site is a very interesting research object, but as the time goes fly the site and its mystery had forgotten by the public.

padang hill pyramid structure
Padang hill pyramid structures

The mystery of Padang Hill then once rising up again when a researchs was started by an ancient catastrophic researchs team formed under Social and Disaster Assistance of Presidential Special Staff and with the help of other international researchs team, and from the research it conclude that Padang Hill is not a hill, but it is the oldest pyramid in the world. The geological expert Danny Hilman, believes if the site was built around 9.000 to 20 thousand years ago and it made Padang Hill is become one of Indonesia's biggest mystery.

Indonesia is The Missing Atlantis Continent

lemuria atlantis worldmap

And the final Indonesia mystery we have for now is an opinion stated that Indonesia is a part of the missing Atlantis continent. Although it's not fully proven, but the famous and glamourous of Atlantis's name is enough to take a little bit attention from the world by this statement.

atlantis city
Atlantis city art painting images

The missing continent which Plato wrote on the book ‘Timaeus dan Critias’ made peoples race to find where is this advanced civilization is actually located. And one of the opinion was come from a Brazil scientist who stated that Indonesia has possibility to became the part of the missing Atlantis continent.

Data and source: www.gelut.com

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